Well we are expecting our second baby in April of 2011 and i'm over joyed but i'm extremely nervous going into round number two. As most people know I had a c-section that went totally wrong, and I got E-coli from the hospital for two straight months I was completely laid out not remembering most of the first parts of my sons life.
But as the saying goes "deal not dwell" and that is what I am doing. I would really like to go the second time around with a Vbac instead of a c-section again. At least I would like to try and "labor" in the hospital and decide from there. Of course I want what is the best for the baby and myself. But I want to have options...I don't want to be told it's what I HAVE to do.
I have been reading and studying and trying to weight my options, and of course praying is on the top of my list! :) Down the road Jake and I would love to have more children, but most of the time after 4 c-sections ( if we want that many) they say that's enough for you. Who wants to be told how many children they can and can't have?
There is a wonderful friend that I have been blessed with and has done her searching and has helped me see what I can ask doctors and how to stand my ground. My husband is also a big help because he knows what I want.
Tomorrow I go in for a doctors appointment to meet with a specialist...I'm not high risk as of right now. I am feeling healthy, and the cancer has been gone for over a year. I am over weight but I had no complications in my previous pregnancy until I went into the c-section.... :(
I just at least once...want the feeling of knowing what it's like to give birth vaginally, Yeah i'm sure women are laughing at that one...but I promise you one thing....I never in my life want to go through the pain that I did. And i'm sure it wouldn't be as painful. I want to be awake and alert... when the baby comes out...not in the recovery room for two hours.
Don't get me wrong I will do what ever it takes to have a healthy baby....and if vbac isn't for me then so be it, but I want to know more, i'm craving for that knowledge. I know most people won't care, and think i'm crazy...but honestly I think the only way I can express myself with out being a hormonal mess is writing about it. And this is helping! I will write another blog tomorrow on what I find out from the doctors! Wish me luck!!!
I'm reading!! You go girl. You can do this and I don't think you're crazy AT ALL for wanting to experience a vaginal birth. It is an incredible feeling of empowerment as you are able to deliver a baby by the power of your own body. I'm praying for you and sending you strength to help you fight for the birth you want! xoxo