I can't believe it's been two weeks already since our little Gracie has joined our family. If you have read my other blogs, I didn't have the best time with my last c-section. Needless to say I'm truly blessed that we decided to have another baby because this time around was so amazing. I'm glad that I set the fear aside and decided to add to our growing family. There might be another addition in the future....yes....but in the FUTURE!
Sunday night my nerves were on end, I was a grouch, upset, and felt a ton of fear. Memories were flooding back from the c-section I had with my son. I knew I shouldn't be feeling this way, our little girl was about to join this world and I wanted to feel love, not fear. I asked my husband and father to give me a blessing. (husbands first blessing) :) He's helped in giving blessings but never gave one. It was beautiful and I cried through the whole thing. From that moment on, I felt at peace and I knew everything was going to go fantastic!
We got to the hospital at 6 am to get prep'ed for surgery. They did the normal check blood pressure, blood sugars, place the IVs, shave, get medical history, etc. My nurse was an older lady...I don't know what it was about her but she made me laugh hysterically and made me feel at ease. We had a wonderful conversation, I didn't want her to leave. It was kind of fun also to see the interns trying to get things organized, it made me giggle along with the head nurse, bless their hearts for trying! I also meet with the anesthesiologist (whom I fell in love with!) Spoke with the surgery nurses, and also had a few giggles with my doctor, whom I also love to pieces!
We got into the surgery room while wide awake and I started shaking. I wasn't really scared but my nerves were on end, I was extremely scared of feeling the pain, the feeling of being cut open again. The anesthesiologist was so wonderful he spoke softly and only so I could hear making sure I knew that everything was going to be okay, that this time around it was all going to be different and I wouldn't feel a thing. We had a few minor problems finding the spinal fluid because of some disk that are cracked. It hurt like heck at some one point so my doctor and the head nurse rubbed my arms and I was able to lay my head on their shoulder if needed. To me that was a great gift. I felt so much love from all of them. My doctor was able to crack a few jokes and little did I know, I stopped shaking, and went comfortably numb! :) Did you read that!? NUMB!!! I was numb I didn't feel a THING!!!
My husband was finally able to come in and join the fun, He was a little panicked at first not sure how to feel, or if I was feeling any pain, or if I was numb. He finally sat down and I told him I felt fantastic, and I said they should be starting anytime, then everybody started laughing, I was so confused! I asked what they were laughing at and they said they were half way done! I couldn't help but laughing, I was awake, I was talking to people, I felt apart of this birth, they told ME I was doing great, that things were going great, he took his time, it wasn't rushed, it was just so wonderful! :D
On April 18th 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Or beautiful Gracie McCrae Turnboo was born. Weighing 8lbs 13 oz and 21 inch's long. She was beautiful and I cried. I felt so over joyed, They let me love on her for a few minutes before they took her away. They had to use suction on her because she wasn't coming out, thanks to the scar tissue that had accumulated from the last c-section. It's a blessing that we didn't opt to go with the vbac this time....It would of ended in a c-section, because she was breech. The bruise on the little ladies eye was from the suction they used. They only place they could grab her.
Recovery went wonderfully! I didn't throw up....at all....what so ever! For me that is major! I throw up something terrible after surgery! I was alert through the whole recovery, I was answering questions, I was responding to being able to move my feet, I was even keeping liquids down! The only pain medication I needed at first was Ibuprofen! I had her on Monday, and was let go from the hospital on Wednesday...I can hardly believe it. What a blessing. I was able to get up and walk that night also. I still can't believe that I'm moving around and having such a wonderful time being a mom.
All I can say is " The Lord Knows What He's Doing After all" I've been truly blessed. Thanks so much for the prayers and comfort that everybody has given me...I couldn't of done this alone. Faith is an amazing thing!
ps The wound healed in the first week. I still need to heal a little more, but no infection, and no pain...is so wonderful!
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