Monday, January 9, 2012

A decision.

Lately my son has been wanting to play with his "bew bew's" aka guns. I've been struggling with whether or not I should allow play guns in my home. All the other mothers say no, we don't let our sons play with guns, I don't want them shooting them at people. I wanted to be like all those other mothers. But you know something I have finally decided that guns will be allowed in my home. For one we have avid hunters in not only our home, but in relatives homes also! I want my son to know how to respect a gun from an early age, knowing what is right from wrong, and how to respect a gun. And you know one day, if it comes down to it, I want him to know that it is okay to fight for our freedoms, fight for the freedoms of our homes, and families. So from now on, my son will go around freely learning how to use a play gun! :)