Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Second Birth Choice.

As hard as the Doctor and I tried. We have decided that the only safe thing to do with the second baby is have another C-section. When we went in for the second ultra sound, it didn't go so well. Nothing is wrong with our little girl thank heavens!!! They can't see any scar tissue with an ultra sound, but it's what they couldn't find that bothered them. The scar tissue is so bad, that they can't even see the scar from the first C-section which they are suppost to be able to see with the ultra sound. She also had an extremely hard time find how full my bladder was....

I've been having a really hard time with this, but I truly know that this is the safest way for both the baby and myself. When my doctor is able to see how much scar tissue there is, he said with baby number three (if we choose to) He will know exactly what we are up against.

The only true reason i'm scared is because of what happend in the past, but I have to always remind myself "DEAL NOT DWELL!" My doctor has gone over what exactly will happen, what the cut is going to look like, what kind of stitches and stapples will be used. He will also be putting a drain tube in so that there won't be anything that can sit around and pool to cause an infection. It makes me more comfortable to know what he will doing, who will be there to help him, and how hard he is going to try to make me feel like everything will be okay. 

He still hasn't decided if he wants me to labor or not....we will play that by ear...but any of you my friends want to come and visit me you are more then welcome...Really you truly are welcome will be one long week for me!  

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you feel at peace with this decision. That is what it's all about - working with your doctor to make the best decision for YOU. I will hope and pray that everything will go smoothly and that you will not have to endure what you did last time! I know everything will turn out wonderfully.
